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Overcoming the Keyboard
(PC Magazine Vol 2 No 1 June 1983 User-to-User)
Here's some handy information for the BASIC programmer. DOS
keeps track of the NumLock, CapsLock, and ScrollLock key states by
setting and resetting bits in low memory. A BASIC program may alter
these bits to force entry of uppercase characters from the keyboard,
or to automatically toggle the numeric keypad for either cursor control
or numeric key entry.
The relevant address is at 0040:0017H, as described on page A-2 of
the Technical Reference manual. In the program below, lines 20 through
160 provide ways to test the state of CapsLock, NumLock and ScrollLock,
along with ways to force and exit CapsLock and NumLock. The state of
the Alt, Ctrl, and the left or right shift keys may also be tested
(lines 170 through 260).
Another byte at 0040:0018H (see Technical Reference manual, page
A-3) may be tested to see if the Ins, CapsLock, NumLock or ScrollLock
keys are currently being depressed. Lines 270 to 340 perform these
A game program could move a paddle without using the INKEY$
command by applying this method to test the states of the left and
right shifts or any of the other keys mentioned above. The beauty is
that no keys are queued up into a buffer, so a program can sense
exactly when a key is pressed or released.
The here-and-now information that the program gleans from these
memory locations is critical to real-time operations like games and
graphics control. Setting these bits yourself frees your program's
users from getting dumb instructions like "Make sure you have pressed
the NumLock Key."
10 DEF SEG=&H40
20 'Test CapsLock state
40 'Force CapsLock state
50 POKE &H17,PEEK(&H17) OR 64
60 'Exit CapsLock state
70 POKE &H17, PEEK(&H17) AND 191
80 'Test NumLock state
100 'Force NumLock state
110 POKE &H17,PEEK(&H17) OR 32
120 'Exit NumLock state
130 POKE &H17,PEEK(&H17) AND 223
140 '
150 'Test ScrollLock state
170 'Test if Alt Key is depressed
190 'Test if Ctrl key is depressed
210 'Test if either shift key is depressed
230 'Test if left shift key is depressed
250 'Test if right shift key is depressed
270 'Test if Ins key is depressed
290 'Test if CapsLock is depressed
310 'Test if NumLock is depressed
330 'Test if ScrollLock is depressed
Keyboard Codes
(PC Magazine Vol 4 No 1 Jan 8, 1985 by P. Abel)
Each key on the PC keyboard has a designated physical position,
number from 1 (Esc) through 83 (Del). When a key is pressed it
generates a scan code, which is the same as its position number, though
it is expressed in hex notation. Thus, pressing the Esc key produces
01H; Del generates scan code 53H. (A second set of scan codes -- made
by adding 80H to the first -- is generated when the key is released,
but the PC does not seem to use these latter codes.) Any program can
determine the source of any keystroke by using the scan codes. When
you press the A key, the computer actually gets two pieces of
information: the scan code for the letter A (1EH) and, of course, the
ASCII character code for A (41H). The table below shows the scan codes
for some common extended functions.
A simple request for input of one character from the keyboard
involves setting the AH register to zero and requesting DOS interrupt
INT 16H ;request keyboard input
The operation responds in one of two ways, depending on whether you
pressed a character code or an extended function code.
Suppose that a key you pressed represents a displayable character,
such as a letter (A through Z), a number (0 through 9) or a symbol such
as !, @, #, or $. The INT operation delivers the ASCII character code
to the AL register and the scan code to the AH register. Thus,
pressing the letter A puts character code 41H in the AL register and
also places 1EH in the AH register.
For most purposes, the character code in the AL register is the
only information your computer needs. Suppose, however, that the key
you press represents an extended function code, such as one of the ten
function keys or a cursor arrow key. For these noncharacter requests,
the operation sets the AL register to zero and inserts the scan code
in the AH register.
Consequently, when an INT 16H instruction is used to request a
keyboard entry, the program can then test the AL register. If it is
nonzero, the request is for an extended function code.
The following instructions test if an INT 16H operation has
returned a zero value to the AL register:
INT 16H ;request input
CMP AL,00 ;extended function code?
JZ exit1 ;yes -- exit to routine
You probably have noticed that certain characters, such as +, -,
and *, appear twice on the keyboard. To the PC, each of these
similarly labeled keys is quite different. The plus symbol puts the
character code 2BH in the AL register and one of two scan codes in the
AH register. If the plus key pressed was in the top row above the
equals sign, the scan code is 0DH. If the plus key pressed was at the
far right, the scan code is 4EH.
In the following routine, if the character is a plus sign (2BH),
the logic tests for the scan code:
CMP AL,2BH ;plus sign?
JNE exit2 ;no -- exit
CMP AH,4EH ;which scan code?
JE exit3
Following is a simple example that sets the cursor to row 0,
column 0, if you press the Home key (scan code 47H). Interrupt 10H,
for setting the cursor, requires 02 in the AH register, zero in BH,
the row in DH, and the column DL:
SUB AH,AH ;clear AH
INT 16H ;request input
CMP AL,00 ;extended function?
JNE exit4 ;no -- exit
CMP AH,47H ;scan code is Home?
JNE exit5 ;no -- exit
MOV DX,00 ;set row/col to zero
MOV AH,02 ;set AH to 02
SUB BH,BH ;set BH to zero
INT 10H ;set cursor
A program can respond to a scan code in many different ways. The
example above interprets the Home key to mean that the cursor is to be
set at row 0, column 0. But a program can respond with any other
action or can even ignore the keystroke entirely.
A program could make further tests for scan codes. The function
keys deliver scan codes 3BH through 44H, respectively. Following is a
test for function key F1:
CMP AH,3BH ;function key F1?
JE exit6 ;yes, exit
Here again, a program could perform any designated action for a
user request.
Suppose that a program stores the current row/column setting for
the cursor in fields named ROW and COL, respectively. You press the
down arrow to request moving the cursor down one row. The following
program segment moves the cursor, provided that ROW is not already at
24, to the bottom of the screen:
INT 16H ;request input
CMP AL,00 ;extended function?
JNE exit1 ;no -- exit
CMP AH,50H ;down cursor?
JNE exit2 ;no -- exit
CMP ROW,24 ;bottom of screen?
JAE exit3 ;yes -- exit
INC ROW ;increment ROW by 1
INT 10H ;set cursor to 00,00
Since it is the program that interprets the scan codes, you could
intentionally or erroneously cause the down cursor key to perform any
other action, even to move up the screen!
For further reference, the complete technical details for all scan
codes as well as the use of the Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys are available
in the IBM PC Technical Reference manual, in the Keyboard Encoding and
Usage section. The character codes are listed in Appendix C.
To see how this works, you can type in the short assembly
language program below, using the A (Assemble) command of the DEBUG
mini-Assembler. When you use the A command in DEBUG, the code will
automatically begin at 100H. After the last line, just press Enter a
second time to exit from the assembler. The source program is very
short and consists of just three instructions:
JMP 100H
The INT 16H instruction requests input from the keyboard. After
you enter a character, the JMP instruction returns you to the beginning
creating an endless loop. Normally, you would scrupulously avoid this
practice; however, DEBUG provides a simple way out of the program.
To enter the program directly in machine language, insert your DOS
disk in drive A: and boot up in the usual way. When the DOS A> prompt
appears, type DEBUG and hit Enter. When the DEBUG hyphen prompt
appears, use DEBUG's E command to enter the three instructions in hex
machine language. Type these instructions exactly as they appear,
including the blanks. Hit the Enter key at the end of each line.
E CS:100 28 E4
E CS:102 CD 16
E CS:104 EB FA
The CS stands for Code Segment, the area for executable code. The
values 100, 102 and 104 are the relative locations within the CS where
each of the three two-byte instructions begin. The normal starting
location of the first instruction in the Code Segment is 100H.
The values 28 E4, CD 16 and EB FA are the actual machine code for
each of the three assembly language instructions. Before attempting to
execute this program, make sure that you have keyed each entry exactly
as shown (you can repeat any line that contains an error). On
completion, type R and Enter to display the starting instruction. The
operation displays the contents of the registers in hex and the first
3B33:0100 28 E4 SUB AH,AH
The first four hex digits, 3B33 (which is actually 3B330), indicate the
address of the beginning of the Code Segment, but your version will
probably differ from this value. The rest of the line should be
identical, however.
You should now press T and then Enter to trace execution of the
next instruction. The screen should display:
3B33:0102 CD 16 INT 16
The computer is now about to execute the interrupt instruction. If you
wanted, you could trace the operation through the entire BIOS routine,
but for this exercise, it's as well to execute right through the INT
operation and stop at the JMP instruction that follows at 104. To do
this, type G 104 and Enter.
The program should stop with the cursor blinking, waiting for the
keyboard input that INT 16H has requested. Type a lowercase a. The
program should accept this character and immediately display the
registers and the next instruction. Your interest is only in the
contents of the AX register, which should be 1E61. 1EH in the AH
register represents the scan code for keyboard position 30 (the letter
a), and 61H in register AL represents the ASCII code for a.
The instruction that displays should be:
08FD:0104 EBFA JMP 0100
Press T and Enter to execute the JMP instruction, and enter G 104
again to execute the interrupt. This time, type an uppercase A.
The AX register will now contain 1E41.
You can continued indefinitely by repeatedly using T and G 104.
Try entering a variety of keyboard entries, such as Esc, Ins, Del, F1,
Home, cursor keys, both plus signs, both minus signs and numbers. A
few keys, such as Shift by itself, do not cause the keyboard to produce
a code.
When you've had enough scan codes for one session, you can exit
from DEBUG by typing Q (for Quit) instead of T or G 104.
Selected keys and their hex scan codes.
Extended Function Hex Scan Code
Alt/A - Alt/Z 1E - 2C
F1 - F10 3B - 44
Home 47
Up arrow 48
PgUp 49
Left arrow 4B
Right arrow 4D
End 4F
Down arrow 50
PgDn 51
Ins 52
Del 53
AT Keyboard Tricks
(PC Magazine Vol 4 No 19 Sept 17, 1985 User-to-User)
The AT keyboard is programmable. For instance, it's simple to
change the keyboard's LED shift-lock indicators. First issue an
OUT &H60,&HED (the SET/RESET LEDs command), and follow this immediately
with an OUT &H60,nn(where nn is a binary value indicating which LEDs to
turn on). Bit 0 is for the ScrollLock indicator, bit 1 is for NumLock,
and bit 2 is for CapsLock. The LEDCYCLE.BAS program cycles the AT's
LEDs through a binary counting sequence.
However, turning an LED on or off does not change the ScrollLock,
NumLock or CapsLock keyboard shift states. These actual shift states
are controlled by bits 4, 5 and 6 of the BIOS KB_FLAG at address
0040:0017. To illustrate this, the TOGGLE.BAS program turns on the
NumLock LED and sets the NumLock state.
But the most significant new feature of the AT keyboard is that
its typematic action is programmable. You can specify the amount of
time to wait before sending the first repeat (the delay) and the time
between repeats (the rate). First, output a command (&HF3), then
output a delay-and-rate value. Bits 5 and 6 control the delay,
ranging from 250 ms up to 1 second. The lowest 5 bits (bits 0 through
4) identify the repeat rate, ranging from about 30 repeats per second
to 2 repeats to second. The following two commands set the keyboard
to perform with a 1/4-second delay and 20 repeats per second:
OUT &H60,&HF3:OUT &H60,4
Be sure to enter both commands on the same line. After receiving
the &HF3 command, the keyboard locks up until it receives the rate and
delay byte. You can use the KEYRATE.BAS program to set the keyboard
typematic parameters. It includes the logic to display the exact delay
and rate you select, calculated with formulats from the AT Technical
Reference Manual. The default power-on settings are a 1/2-second delay
and a repeat rate of 10 per second. A better choice of settings is a
1/4-second delay and 15 to 20 repeats per second. It is possible to
set the keyboard to output up to 30 repeats per second.
110 DEF SEG=&HFFFF:IF PEEK(14)=252 THEN 130
120 PRINT "Try this on an AT only!":END
130 FOR J=0 TO 7
140 OUT &h60,&hed:OUT &h60,J
150 FOR DELAY=1 TO 1000:NEXT
170 NEXT
180 GOTO 130
110 DEF SEG=&HFFFF:IF PEEK(14)=252 THEN 130
120 PRINT "Try this on an AT only!":END
130 NUM.LED=4:NUM.FLG=&H10
140 CPS.LED=2:CPS.FLG=&H20
150 SCR.LED=1:SCR.FLG=&H40
160 DEF SEG=&H40
180 OUT &H60,&HED:OUT &H60,NUM.LED
110 DEF SEG=&HFFFF:IF PEEK(14)=252 THEN 130
120 PRINT "Try this on an AT only!":END
130 PRINT "=low values are fastest="
140 INPUT "initial delay (0-3): ",ID
150 INPUT "repeat rate (0-31): ",RR
160 OUT &H60,&HF3:OUT &H60,(ID*32) OR RR
170 PRINT "initial delay is";
180 PRINT (ID+1)*.25;"seconds"
190 A=(RR AND 7):B=(RR AND 24)\8
200 P=(8+A)*(2^B)*.00417
210 PRINT "repeat rate is";
220 PRINT 1/P;"per second"
Free Graphics Keyboard
(PC Magazine Vol 4 No 19 Sept 17, 1985 User-to-User)
DOS 3.x includes five programs on the main DOS disk that you can
adapt to create a totally customized keyboard. The KEYBxx.COM programs
let you turn your IBM/American keyboard into one more suitable for use
in the UK, Germany, France, Italy or Spain by switching some of the
letters and punctuation marks around and substituting things like pound
signs for dollar signs.
To create a custom keyboard, copy one of these five programs onto
a work disk, and give a name like KEYCUST.COM. The go into DEBUG and
make the changes. Search through the file until you see the familiar
"asdf ..." and "ASDF ..." characters at the right side of your screen,
and then replace the existing letters with the ones you want. For
instance, to customize the KEYBUK.COM so that hitting the leftmost nine
keys --- "qwe" on one line, then "asd" on the second line, and then
"zxc" on the third line -- produces a box, type:
and then
When you see the DEBUG prompt, type:
e 592 da c2 bf
e 5a0 c3 c5 b4
e 5ae c0 c1 d9
Then load the new keyboard program by typing KEYCUST.
You can toggle back and forth between your normal keyboard and the
customized one. Hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 for you normal keyboard or Ctrl-Alt-F2
for your new one. By following these procedures, you can create all
sorts of alternate keyboard layouts -- one with graphics symbols, one
with math symbols, etc., and load them whenever you need them.
DOS Keyboard Macros
(PC Magazine Vol 4 No 26 Dec 24, 1985 User-to-User)
Would you like to log into drive C:, change the active subdirectory
and then execute a program like 1-2-3, all with one keystroke? The
NEWKEYBD.BAS program creates a file called NEWDOS.KBD that sets this up
for you automatically. In addition, you can read the directory of your
logged drive by hitting Alt-D and load a print spool buffer by hitting
Alt-B. And you can do much more, all without having to purchase any
memory-draining commercial keyboard macro programs such as SuperKey.
Lines 110 to 180 read the DATA at the end of the program and write
it to the NEWDOS.KBD file. To create your own macros, just change the
DATA statements following line 180. The structure of the DATA fields
at the end of NEWKEYBD.BAS is as follows:
1. The first field specifies the total number of commands you want
to assign to a single key.
2. The second field is the number of the key you want to redefine
(see the table below).
3. The third field is the exact text of the command that you would
have ordinarily had to type manually. Each must be inside quotation
marks, and each must be separated by a comma.
4. After you're all done, the very last line of DATA must be just
a zero (0).
Once you've entered your customized DATA statements, run
NEWKEYBD.BAS to create your copy of NEWDOS.KBD. Then, to execute
your redefinitions, get into DOS and type: COPY NEWDOS.KBD CON:
You can put this command in an AUTOEXEC.BAT file to load the keyboard
redefinitions automatically. For this to work properly, you have to
have booted your system with a CONFIG.SYS on your disk that includes
the line DEVICE=ANSI.SYS. And, of course, ANSI.SYS has to be on your
disk as well.
Editor's Note: The table that follows are the extended ASCII
codes for every shifted key on the keyboard. (Actually, they are all
preceded by a 0, but NEWKEYBD.BAS takes care of this automatically in
line 140.) You could also reassign the normal, nonshifted keys by
removing the 0 and the semicolon in line 140 and creating the
appropriate DATA statement. For instance, if you never use the grave
accent (the backward apostrophe key), you could change the NEWKEYBD.BAS
program to make this key give you a directory listing by removing the
0; from line 140 and creating the DATA line: 190 DATA 1,96, "DIR"
since 96 is the decimal ASCII code for the grave accent. If you try
this, remember not to mix shifted keys (which need the 0;) with
nonshifted keys (which don't need the 0;). And whether you are
redefining just one key or several, DATA 0 must be the last line in
the program.
Remember also that this won't work unless you type the line
COPY NEWDOS.KBD CON: while in DOS. You can keep several different
files of reassigned keys under different names, but you have to COPY
each to CON: when you want to use it.
Finally, if you create your own NEWDOS.KBD file, remember that
you had to have already loaded ANSI.SYS by including DEVICE=ANSI.SYS
in your CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory of your boot disk, which
means you may have to adjust your CONFIG.SYS file and reboot for your
keys to be redefined.
110 OPEN "O", #1, "NEWDOS.KBD"
140 PRINT #1,CHR$(27)"[0;"KEYNO$";"CHR$(34);
160 PRINT #1,TEXT$;CHR$(13);
170 NEXT
180 PRINT #1,CHR$(34)"p":GOTO 120
190 DATA 3,60,"C:","CD\LOTUS","123"
200 DATA 1,32,"DIR"
210 DATA 1,48,"PRINTSPL -LPT1 -BUF32"
220 DATA 0
Table of Extended ASCII Codes
F1 59 Alt-F1 104 Shift-F1 84 Ctrl-F1 94 Alt-1 120
F2 60 Alt-F2 105 Shift-F2 85 Ctrl-F2 95 Alt-2 121
F3 61 Alt-F3 106 Shift-F3 86 Ctrl-F3 96 Alt-3 122
F4 62 Alt-F4 107 Shift-F4 87 Ctrl-F4 97 Alt-4 123
F5 63 Alt-F5 108 Shift-F5 88 Ctrl-F5 98 Alt-5 124
F6 64 Alt-F6 109 Shift-F6 89 Ctrl-F6 99 Alt-6 125
F7 65 Alt-F7 110 Shift-F7 90 Ctrl-F7 100 Alt-7 126
F8 66 Alt-F8 111 Shift-F8 91 Ctrl-F8 101 Alt-8 127
F9 67 Alt-F9 112 Shift-F9 92 Ctrl-F9 102 Alt-9 128
F10 68 Alt-F10 113 Shift-F10 93 Ctrl-F10 103 Alt-10 129
Alt-A 30 Alt-H 35 Alt-O 24 Alt-V 47 Ctrl-PrtSc 114
Alt-B 48 Alt-I 23 Alt-P 25 Alt-W 17 Ctrl-Left 115
Alt-C 46 Alt-J 36 Alt-Q 16 Alt-X 45 Ctrl-Right 116
Alt-D 32 Alt-K 37 Alt-R 19 Alt-Y 21 Ctrl-End 117
Alt-E 18 Alt-L 38 Alt-S 31 Alt-Z 44 Ctrl-PgDn 118
Alt-F 33 Alt-M 50 Alt-T 20 Alt-- 130 Ctrl-Home 119
Alt-G 34 Alt-N 49 Alt-U 22 Alt-+ 131 Ctrl-PgUp 132
Home 71 Up 72 PgUp 73 Left 75 Right 77
End 79 Down 80 PgDn 81 Ins 82 Del 83
Shift-Tab 15